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CompuFor team member expertise spans a wide range of legal fields, and forensic technologies. Our diverse background, training, and experience enables us to provide our clients with world class forensic services.

Fields of Expertise:

Cell Phone and Mobile Device Forensics

Computer Forensics

Expert Witness

Internet Forensics

Network Forensics

Audio Forensics

Tower Dump / CDR Analysis

Focusing on Intellectual Property in the following areas:

Criminal Defense

Compliance Monitoring

Due Diligence


Employment Matters

Family Law

Industrial Accidents

Intellectual Property

Personal Injury



Business Exposure

CompuFor has been involved in a diverse range of civil matters. Our successes include medical malpractice, personal theft, business records recovery and valuation due diligence, contract disputes and many other types of matters.

CompuFor has a reputation for knowing how to respond to each client's unique needs. We know that sometimes the best resolution is the one that lets everyone get back to business, provided the issue, or risk is prevented from occurring again in the future.

Call CompuFor for an over the phone consultation regarding how we may be able to help. We monitor our phones in the evenings and on weekends and holidays, because we know issues arise at the most inconvenient times.

Successful Resolution

The following cases are examples of where CompuFor made a difference, usually resulting in quick dismissal, settlement, and turning over evidence to law enforcement for further action.

  • A patient claimed their doctor avoided giving them critical follow-up care after surgery. In fact the patient claimed the doctor had refused to see them. The doctor in response said they had seen the patient on several follow-up visits. The doctor, unable to product written records, was compelled to allow CompuFor to forensically image and analyze his office computers. CompuFor's forensic exam found that the doctor had formatted the hard drive, then reinstalled the operating system, ran a defragger, and then reinstalled the medical records on the computers just prior to CompuFor's arrival. CompuFor was also able to recover metadata indicating the records had been managed on another system. The doctor's insurance company settled.

  • A financial company discovered some members had been misdirecting funds. However, the extent was unknown. CompuFor was retained to perform an “after hours” seizure of office workstations”. Fictitious employees were drawing salaries, and more. Millions of dollars were involved. The matter was turned over to the federal authorities, along with our forensic images and reports.

  • A hotel franchise changed ownership. The original office staff was retained, however, some employees became disgruntled. In response, an employee changed the hotel's fee schedule on several web sites, including, from several hundred dollars a night to a special of less then $50. Many customers were angered when they learned of the hoax. CompuFor was able to uncover the culprit. The employee was fired, and criminal charges were being sought.



Business Exposure

CompuFor has a long history of working with businesses to resolve a wide range of issues. Examples include: wrongful termination suits, product and services liabilities, competitor, customer and employee issues.

Contact us to learn how you can safeguard your business from wrongful termination suits, maintain control of key customer information, and intellectual property.

Corporate  Environment

The majority of corporate information never leaves the digital domain. Email history, and business records can often be recovered, even if the records were deleted and the hard drive had been formatted. Relevant information can be recovered from e-mail and file servers, backup tapes, and smart phones. Every case has it's unique aspects (i.e. HIPAA regs., PCI, and Protective Orders). CompuFor will team with you, to prescribe a computer forensic or eDiscovery approach, that is appropriate for your unique circumstances, and the governing rules (i.e. Federal Rules of Civil Procedure) . CompuFor has an extensive inventory of tools, processes and expertise to serve your corporate needs.

Successful Resolution

The following cases are examples of where CompuFor made a difference, usually resulting in quick dismissal or settlement:

  • An insurance company in Phoenix AZ had concerns regarding the loss of key clients managed by one of their agents. CompuFor was called in to forensically image the agents hard drive covertly, during office hours while the agent was using the computer. CompuFor discovered that the agent was sending clients to another agency they planned to work for, in advance of giving notice to their current employer. The agent was terminated, and additional actions, including damages were sought.

  • A manufacturing company in California had concerns about an IT Manager selling company intellectual property. CompuFor personnel were flown in to forensically preview several workstations in the IT manager's office, and inspect several network servers. CompuFor discovered that the IT manager was selling company assets on eBay, was using a workstation to access adult-sites, and had installed maleware on one of the corporate servers, that could compromise user information. The manager was terminated and law enforcement involved. CompuFor now has an ongoing relationship with the company, to periodically inspect the company's computers for user policy compliance.

  • A Phoenix law firm noticed an associate's billing was falling off, however the associate was working extra hours. CompuFor was called in after hours to forensically pre-view the workstation hard drive. We discovered that the attorney had been working on another firm's cases. Dismissal and ethics violation was pursued.

  • An aerospace company had terminated an employee for wasting company time by surfing the internet for personal interest. The company was facing a wrongful termination suite. CompuFor successfully recovered deleted internet history and established the extent of the employee's waste. The wrongful termination suite was quashed as a result.

  • A Mesa AZ law firm had received an order to produce documents as part of a civil suite. Their usual document production service was unable to decrypt documents, and recover passwords from financial databases. CompuFor was able to recover the office document passwords, and the financial accounting database passwords. We also produce printed and electronic copies (approximately 10,000 pages), including Bates stamping, within a few days of receiving the request. CompuFor enabled the firm, and client meet their discovery obligations and completely satisfy the court.



Criminal Defense

CompuFor staff has been providing computer forensic services to the criminal defense community for over four years. We have a proven process that has worked on hundreds of criminal matters We've provided consulting and forensic services on a wide variety of criminal matters such as: white collar, internet fraud, murder, and sex crimes.

CompuFor provides attorneys and defendants with a “reality check” by working though various possible theories of defense, and trial scenarios. Attorneys and clients find this service very beneficial when trying to decide whether to accept a plea, or go to trial. We are often retained as case agents for trial, in a consulting capacity, even when we don't testify.

CompuFor has an excellent relationship with local and US prosecutors and law enforcement. We are familiar with the processes and rules that govern access and production of evidence.

Contact us to discuss your case. Learn how your criminal matter can benefit from consulting with CompuFor. 

Beyond Computers

Most people think of criminal computer forensics only when the computer is part of the criminal activity. However, there are many other times when the computer can play a vital role. For example: internet search history, e-mails, photographs, journals and spreadsheet documents often unveil crucial information needed by the all parties to fully understand the what had taken place.

Successful Resolution

The following cases are examples of where CompuFor made a difference, usually resulting in quick dismissal or acceptance of a plea bargain: 

  • An eBay reseller was charged with defrauding customers of thousands of dollars each. CompuFor examined the computer systems and produced forensic reports that led to a negotiated plea, that was accepted by the defendant.

  • A first responder was charged with possession of child pornography. CompuFor was able to prove that the defendant was a victim of an “internet-drive-by”. An internet-drive-by is where malicious code is downloaded to a computer via the internet browser without the user knowing it. In this case, CompuFor participated in the plea discussion. We were able to prove to the prosecutor and police forensic examiner that prior to the arrival of the malware, there was never any child porn related material on the computer, and in fact, the user had been trying to unsuccessfully rid his system of the malware and pornography. In Arizona knowledge of possession, not intent is sufficient for a conviction. The defendant accepted a reduced plea.

  • CompuFor was called in to review a case involving an engineer who was charged with child porn and molestation. CompuFor established that while the defendant was in custody, someone continued to surf child porn web sites. We also provided forensic reports from the involved computer systems regarding chat messages and personal journals that addressed the allegations of molestation. The possession of child porn charges were dismissed.

  • A religious leader was charged with showing adult porn to a minor during a church sanctioned event. CompuFor produced reports from the involved computer system and testified at trial. The defendant was acquitted.

  • An investigator faced charges of tampering with certified records. CompuFor produced a video analysis and supporting documentation. All charges were dropped in “the name of justice”.



Family Safeguard

CompuFor provides resolutions and clarity for many family issues. We have worked through the many facets of family matters including concerns about fidelity and possible divorce. The internet and cell phones have redefined behaviors and risks that families face. We have presented at local family law association seminars to share our experiences with local attorneys.

Even though many states have “no-fault” laws regarding divorce, many clients prefer to confirm suspicions of infidelity before taking action. Contact us to learn what key strategies and plans you should consider before making your next life altering decisions. Find out how CompuFor can make a difference in your family matter.

Lessons Learned

By now it is no secret that computer forensic specialists can recovered deleted records, and internet communications such as e-mail and instant messages. We are seeing an increase in the number of computer hard drives that have gone missing, or “mysteriously crashed” just when financial records have to be produced, or questions of risky behaviors may surface during child custody matters.


CompuFor has solutions that work through many if these situations, and more. But don't wait until it is to too late. Contact us directly, or have your attorney contact us to discuss strategies regarding the best way to proceed.

Successful Resolution

The following cases are examples of where CompuFor made a difference, usually resulting in uncovering key life saving information, and driving quick resolution:

  • An IT manager, involved in a child custody dispute, inadvertently formatted a personal hard drive, and installed a new operating system on the same hard drive. Then the feeling of horror stuck when she realized, she had just destroyed key e-mails, received previously from her adversarial spouse, attesting to her excellent parenting. CompuFor successfully recovered the e-mails, and provided guidance regarding other sources where additional e-mails could be recovered. The parent was able to move forward toward a favorable custody rights decision.

  • Parents came to us expressing concern over their child's inappropriate use of cell phone text messaging and the cell phone camera. We successfully performed a cell phone forensic analysis and was able to answer all of their concerns.

  • A wife had the feeling that her husband was being unfaithful. However, the husband always denied any unfaithfulness when confronted by the wife. CompuFor analyzed the family computer and found evidence of the husband establishing liaisons with both men and women when he traveled out of town. We also uncovered a liaison with his secretary. The wife took action, and so did his work place.

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